2016년 8월 17일 수요일

Lunch menu, a bowl of daezigugbab

Translation used the machine. Please excuse my poor English.

It earns the Koreans enjoy daezigugbab

Daezigugbab is food you can see many in South Gyeongnam Province in Korea.

I usually eat for a hangover morning.

Daezigugbab is often eat for lunch menu

Daezigugbab in the evening drinking soju, and often eat together.

Madangsoe soup shop came to lunch with my co-workers

Daezigugbab make using pork bone broth and cook a pork and on there.

 Korea is to order food, side dishes will come out

It comes out side dishes such as kimchi radish kimchi jeongguji


I like daezigugbab.

Jeongguji and some seasonings together better eat delicious.

 want to let in detail if you have a chance to have together.

Thanks for reading the writings of me.

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